The Thin Red Line NewsNews on The Thin Red Line continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Review: 'The Water Horse' about a boy, his Nessie and WWII- December 25, 2007 "Tuck Everlasting") has a keen sense for the emotional fluidity of his main character. He uses the film's fantastical elements and surging special effects (by the "Lord of the Rings" The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep: Fantasy adventure. Based on the book by Dick King-Smith. Starring Alex Etel, Emily Watson and Ben Chaplin. via SFGate Pitt taking Ledger's role in film- December 19, 2007 "Tree of Life', the new drama from legendary director Terrence Malick. Variety reports that if Pitt signs up for 'Tree of Life" Brad Pitt is in talks to star in 'Tree of Life', the new drama from legendary director Terrence Malick. via RTE.ie John C. Reilly gets chance to walk tall- December 17, 2007 "I have a beautiful body! Look! Same nipples!" ""Of course it is! How dare you!" John C. Reilly shouts, only partly in jest, staring daggers at his roomful of interrogators. via The Toronto Star |