Two Harbors NewsLocal news for Two Harbors, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.New Charges, Arrest In Connection With Iron Range Murder- March 22, 2008 Police Chief Brian Lillis said that they arrested 25-year-old Lindsey Carlson on Friday afternoon, at her workplace in Two Harbors. via WDIO Athletics: Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon Registration Closed- March 15, 2008 Registration is officially closed for the 2008 Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon. The registration process was conducted via an online lottery system in which 4,500 runners were selected through a random drawing. via Runnersweb.com Photo of the Week Winner:- March 13, 2008 "The photo has a nice balance of soft light on the bird and the background" Three-toed Woodpecker by Terence Brashear Congratulations to Terence Brashear of Minneapolis, Minnesota! His picture of a Three-toed Woodpecker clinging to a tree near Two Harbors, Minnesota, was chosen as our ... via Birder's World Peddlers and pasties make for a great MS-TRAM '08- March 11, 2008 "The pasties are crazy good up here" Registration for the Star Tribune 2008 MS-TRAM costs $50. Each rider also is required to raise $300 or more in pledges to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. via Star Tribune |