University Place NewsLocal news for University Place (Charlotte, NC) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Reedy Creek Nature Center education programs- March 23, 2008 Heads UpReedy Creek Nature Center education programsThese are among the environmental education programs in March at Reedy Creek Nature Center, 900 Rocky River Road: Preschool Naturalist Series: Buds-N-Blooms -- Explore the nature preserve. 9:30-11 a.m. Tuesday. Ages 3-5. $3child. Frogwatch USA -- A frog and toad monitoring program that helps scientists conserve amphibians. Registration ends March 26. 6-9 p.m. Saturday. Ages 18 and up. Free. Central Carolinas Biodiversity Trail Hiking Series:.. Flavor of the Neighborhood: Looking for flavorful, fast Let's try a Chaat- March 11, 2008 "We are used to having a snack at 5 or 6 o'clock, and we have dinner at 8:30 or 9" Seems everyone is crazy for small plates of food.Spain has tapas. Greece has meze. China has dim sum.Now Charlotte residents can get acquainted with India's chaat. It's street food there.At Chaat 'n' Chai, at Terraces at University Place shopping center, it's a casual, light meal.As the restaurant's name implies, diners also can sip a cup of the warm, aromatic brew called chai.'Chaat 'n' Chai is more like a... Light-rail line a hot button- March 9, 2008 "I must be the only person who thinks that having light rail go across UNCC's wetlands will be harmful" Charlotte's transit planners may have underestimated the public's interest in the proposed light-rail line to University City.Two meetings to explain the next steps in creating the line drew more than 160 people last week, including a standing-room-only crowd on Tuesday despite a tornado watch, intense rain and a Tar Heels vs. Florida State basketball game.People who came late to Tuesday's... Learn More Information About Light Rail Expansion- March 4, 2008 Learn more about plans to build a light rail line from Uptown to northeast Charlotte at a meeting Tuesday night. via WSOCTV Public gets shot at light rail extension- March 2, 2008 "We really see this Northeast Line as a great opportunity for new retail, the possibility of more residential growth" For the first time since 2006, the public will have a change to learn more details about the proposed Lynx Northeast Rail extension in two public meetings. via News 14 Charlotte |