Apison NewsLocal news for Apison, TN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bright Spots In The Local Real Estate Market- May 27, 2008 From the Chattanooga Area MLS, we see that, while the number of homes sold in April 2008 was down in just about every area, some areas were actually up a bit in the MLS defined areas of Collegedale and Signal ...http://www.topix.net/city/apison-tn/2008/05/bright-spots-in-the-local-real-estate-market?f... New Hamilton County Principals Announced- May 23, 2008 Hamilton County Superintendent Jim Scales announced new principalsassociate principals at Hunter Middle School, Ooltewah Middle School, Harrison Elementary, Smith Elementary, Snow Hill Elementary, Barger ...http://www.topix.net/city/apison-tn/2008/05/new-hamilton-county-principals-announced?fromr... |