Baldwin Harbor NewsLocal news for Baldwin Harbor, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Greenburgh Central 7 Appoints New Superintendent- December 8, 2007 "Prior to the recruitment period, the Board solicited community input about the search. The company heard from more than 145 community and staff members about the characteristics they would like the Board to seek in its superintendent." On Tuesday, December 4th, the Greenburgh Central School District No. 7 Board of Education appointed Mr. via Westchester.com Greenburgh taps Southern Westchester BOCES chief as superintendent- December 6, 2007 "We are very pleased that someone with the experience of Ron Smalls was excited about the opportunity to provide educational leadership for our community" There's a new superintendent in town. Ronald Smalls, 61, of Spring Valley, has been tapped to helm the Greenburgh school district. via The Journal News |