Sticks and stones...- April 11, 2008 Actually, all it took was one good fall off the bouldering wall Touchstone in San Jose to break my bones. Some funny stuff- April 10, 2008 I've recently taken to reading xkcd, which I find quite funny. You're so goooood lookin'- April 8, 2008 A co-worker of mine quotes Seinfeld on a daily basis by saying "You're so goooood lookin'" after a person sneezes in place of "God bless you". Amazon Wishlist- April 7, 2008 With my birthday coming up in a few days, everyone has been asking me what I want. Wouldn't it be great if there was a way....- April 4, 2008 "Wouldn't it be great if there was a way...." That's what I kept hearing as I was trying to finish Portal, a very neat video game from from Valve, that comes as a part of the Orange Box. Silly me, I kept running around the levels in a semi-confused state, rather than using portals to be faster and more efficient, and David kept reminding me of this. Website issues- April 4, 2008 So for the last month or two, I have been having website issues. First off, I deleted the entire public_html directory... OOPS! Luckily, I was able to recover everything, and was very happy to have everything back. |