Avonmore NewsLocal news for Avonmore, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Indiana Gazette Online - Official slams brakes on merger plan- November 20, 2007 While the Blairsville-Saltsburg school board voted Monday to submit consolidation documents to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for review, the district's business manager has asked the architect firm ...http://www.topix.net/city/avonmore-pa/2007/11/indiana-gazette-online-official-slams-brakes... Avonmore Life Savers 2008 Membership Drive- November 20, 2007 Avonmore Life Savers EMS, Inc., is currently conducting its 2008 membership drive. Current memberships expire January 31, 2008. New and renewal memberships will expire January 31, 2009. Your membership entitles you and any member living in the same house, to an unlimited number of medically necessary emergency calls. 1. Your membership fees are tax deductible. 2. Our membership means you NEVER have any out of pocket expenses for emergency ambulance services provided by Avonmore Life Savers EMS,.http://www.topix.net/city/avonmore-pa/2007/11/avonmore-life-savers-2008-membership-drive?f... |