White Mesa NewsLocal news for White Mesa, UT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.BUYINS.NET: UTUC, ZAGG, ACMG, BUNM, IBCIQ Have Also Been Added To Naked Short List Today- December 18, 2007 RDATE:17122007 BUYINS.NET, www.buyins.net, announced today that these select companies have been added to the NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE naked short threshold list: Utah Uranium Corp. via TMCnethttp://www.topix.net/city/white-mesa-ut/2007/12/buyins-net-utuc-zagg-acmg-bunm-ibciq-have-... Judge throws out assault conviction, says jurors showed bias- December 3, 2007 "When Indians get alcohol, they all get drunk" According to court documents, the Bureau of Indian Affairs received a report on April 14 that Kerry Dean Benally was driving erratically in the White Mesa area in southeastern Utah. via Salt Lake Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/white-mesa-ut/2007/12/judge-throws-out-assault-conviction-says-j... |