Turin NewsLocal news for Turin, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Lawmakers Say Survey Is Proof Lewis County Residents Support Additional Windmills- March 31, 2008 The debate over wind farms across the North Country has drowned something out, the fact that a majority of people in Lewis County support wind farms in the community. via WWNY-TV Watertownhttp://www.topix.net/city/turin-ny/2008/03/lawmakers-say-survey-is-proof-lewis-county-resi... Twombly in the Land of Michelangelo- March 16, 2008 "For whatever reason, they think it's charming to insult Italians, never mind that then they go off and buy Prada, eat Italian food and covet Ferraris." YOU wouldn't know it from wandering around the crowded art fair in Bologna a few weeks ago, or from seeing Larry Gagosian's new gallery in Rome, where some of the moneyed, antiseptic air of the Chelsea of New ... via New York Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/turin-ny/2008/03/twombly-in-the-land-of-michelangelo?fromrss=1 Anne Wendell, 89, Turin- March 12, 2008 Anne Wendell, 89, of West Main Street, died on Saturday, March 8, at her home. A private burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery. via WWNY-TV Watertownhttp://www.topix.net/city/turin-ny/2008/03/anne-wendell-89-turin?fromrss=1 |