Venice NewsLocal news for Venice, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Ports in Illinois, New Orleans sign marketing agreement- February 26, 2008 The Port of New Orleans has signed a marketing agreement aimed at boosting commerce between it and a port district in southern Illinois across the river from St. via American Shipper More sleet, snow coming- February 22, 2008 "The potential is there for a pretty good glazing earlier in the day." More sleet this morning is expected to change into snow before ending this afternoon, the result of a winter storm that hit the area Thursday and caused dozens of vehicle accidents across the metro-east.The National Weather Service, which issued a winter storm warning throughout the area from Thursday up to 6 p.m. today, said the storm is expected to pass by sometime in the early afternoon.Meteorologist Ben Miller expected.. New 'Flawless' Movie- February 20, 2008 On behalf of Magnolia Pictures, they are pleased to present Flawless, an exciting heist thriller starring Demi Moore and Michael Caine. via FlickMojo.com Judge uses carrot-and-stick approach to fight truancy- February 11, 2008 "Besides attendance, we're focusing on academics and school attachment" It's not certain what a donkey, carrot and wooden gavel have in common. But for Associate Judge Duane Bailey, these items are the perfect tools when talking to children about staying in school. via Alton Telegraph |