Stockton NewsLocal news for Stockton, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.First of 2 Citizen Participation Public Hearings Held in...- June 29, 2008 Obtaining citizens' views regarding the submission of an Economic Development Grant Application was the purpose of the Public hearing held Monday, June 16 at the Village Hall in Milledgeville, before the ... Grant program real lifesaver- June 27, 2008 STOCKTON, Ill. -- Jake Muzzarelli knows the basics. Two puffs, 30 compressions. Two more puffs, 30 more compressions. Authorities: Man keeps driving after wreck- June 25, 2008 STOCKTON, Ill. -- A man suspected of driving drunk continued to drive his badly damaged truck after a crash that sent two of his passengers to the hospital, according to a Jo Daviess County Sheriff's Department ... |