Wall Street NewsNews on Wall Street continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Joe Nocera's Good Guys and Bad Guys- May 30, 2008 "Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks and I've learned much from both of their styles." - Jimmy Buffett One of my favorite business books is Mark McCormick's "What They Don't Teach You at Harvard ...http://www.topix.net/movies/wall-street/2008/05/joe-noceras-good-guys-and-bad-guys?fromrss... As investors become vigilant, securities litigation rises- May 28, 2008 I n the 1987 movie "Wall Street," Gordon Gekko, the character played by Michael Douglas, made a speech to his stockholders in which he declared: "Greed is good.http://www.topix.net/movies/wall-street/2008/05/as-investors-become-vigilant-securities-li... Dina Lohan Plans to be a Soccer Mom on Her New Reality Show- May 26, 2008 Home : Features : People : Dina Lohan Plans to be a Soccer Mom on Her New Reality Show Dina Lohan Plans to be a Soccer Mom on Her New Reality Show 25-May-2008 Written by: Ivana Cheong America's most ...http://www.topix.net/movies/wall-street/2008/05/dina-lohan-plans-to-be-a-soccer-mom-on-her... Rep. Tauscher and Michael Douglas Nuke It Out- May 22, 2008 When actor Michael Douglas sauntered around Capitol Hill Tuesday lobbying for nuclear disarmament, no member of Congress was happier to see him perhaps than Rep.http://www.topix.net/movies/wall-street/2008/05/rep-tauscher-and-michael-douglas-nuke-it-o... Are You Fur Real- May 20, 2008 Remember that fur coat the Lindsay Lohan "borrowed" The one that wasn't hers, but that she snapped up at the end of some party that people like you and me never go to And remember that the owner of said fur ...http://www.topix.net/movies/wall-street/2008/05/are-you-fur-real?fromrss=1 IBM Using Video-Game Chips to Build Cheaper Supercomputers for Businesses- May 13, 2008 International Business Machines Corp. , the largest computer-services provider, is making lower-cost supercomputers for Wall Street firms and movie studios using chips designed for video-game consoles. via Bloomberghttp://www.topix.net/movies/wall-street/2008/05/ibm-using-video-game-chips-to-build-cheape... Mixed reviews for Dann in today's editorial pages- May 10, 2008 Submitted by modernesquire on Sun, 05042008 - 11:42am. The Columbus Dispatch : Dann should go No editorial in today's Akron Beacon Journal , but Michael Douglas did have a column. via Buckeye State Bloghttp://www.topix.net/movies/wall-street/2008/05/mixed-reviews-for-dann-in-todays-editorial... Yahoo minus Microsoft: Ballmer slams the door on his way out- May 8, 2008 "From the beginning of this process, our independent board and our management have been steadfast in our belief that Microsoft's offer undervalued the company and we are pleased that so many of our shareholders joined us in expressing that view." It is perhaps the biggest "no-go" in the history of the Internet industry. So in the absence of any Cinco de Mayo celebrations in Redmond, did Microsoft manage to move the needle in its direction in its fight ... via BetaNewshttp://www.topix.net/movies/wall-street/2008/05/yahoo-minus-microsoft-ballmer-slams-the-do... TV best bets- May 6, 2008 "Wall Street," 7 p.m. on AMC: One of the 1980s' defining movies, this 1987 drama brought Michael Douglas an Oscar and a signature role: Corporate raider Gordon "Greed Is Good" Gekko. via Dubuque Telegraph Heraldhttp://www.topix.net/movies/wall-street/2008/05/tv-best-bets?fromrss=1 |