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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for February 2008


Geeky Technology for Regular People<br> a tech blog by Jack Hodgson

V-22 Osprey's early performance in Iraq a success - February 12, 2008

Always a favorite airplane of mine. This CNN story gives a positive report, though there is some negative stuff in the bottom third. Once derided as a white elephant, the U.S. Marine Corps' tilt-rotor aircraft, the V-22 Osprey, is proving...

Macintosh Intro Video - February 11, 2008

No particular reason to show this today. But it appeared one of the Mac email lists I belong too. Notable: Remembering how truly revolutionary the bit-mapped graphics were. Monochrome screen "insanely great" Programming example was in...

A new way to make ethanol. - February 11, 2008

One criticism of using bio fuels to replace gasoline, is that it takes as much, or more, fossil fuel to make ethanol as the stuff it replaces. Also it drives up food prices by adding demand for corn and the...

The Macintosh Startup Sounds. - February 8, 2008

New technology to make cheaper, low-carbon hydrogen - February 1, 2008 Nanoptek, a startup based in Maynard, MA, has developed a new way to make hydrogen from water using solar energy. The company says that its process is cheap enough to compete with the cheapest approaches used now, which strip...
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