The Second Life HeraldAlways Fairly Unbalanced. (Formerly the Alphaville Herald)Hentai Porn Removed from SL- December 10, 2004 Reached earlier today, Robin Linden communicated that the Hentai Porn placed in game by Sasami Wishbringer was offensive, in violation of the terms of service,... Virtual Child Porn in Second Life- December 9, 2004 Everyone knows that Child Pornography is illegal and everyone should know that it is wrong. But what about virtual child porn -- cases in... The worst idea ever: Teenie Boppers to be Admitted to SL- December 8, 2004 The ugly rumors turned out to true. Robin Linden made the word official yesterday: teens 13-17 will be admitted to a separate grid of SL.... EA May be Reversing Position on OT for Employees- December 8, 2004 Randy Rueff, EA Senior Vice Presidet for Human Resources Having encountered a truckload of bad publicity for its brutal work hours and the virtual... 666_Club: Satan's Watering Hole in SL- December 8, 2004 Yeppers, darksiders, if you can't get enough pentagrams, fire, brimstone, and great big strap-ons, 666_Club is the only place to be in Second Life.... SL Boxing Suffers Another Setback- December 6, 2004 It looked like Second Life Boxing was back in business after Tommy Rampal and David Jacobs made amends over "the incident" -- you know,... This is a Really Really Bad Idea- December 6, 2004 Editorial This is a short editorial, because it won't take me long to make my point, which is very simple. The recent Linden trial balloon... Tartarus Project Raises its Flag- December 6, 2004 This is one part drama and two parts interesting: Ryan Jade of the Tartarus project has posted a proposal for Linden funding for his project... A Tale of Two MMORPGs: 1129 Latest MMORPG Stats- December 5, 2004 By: Father Callahan MMOG has released their latest chart depicting the current subscribers in MMORPGs. The Sims Online has dropped from 50,000 subscribers to 40,000.... Review: Avatara- December 4, 2004 Avatara is perhaps the first documentary covering a 3D online environment that is shot entirely in characterin game. The choice of subject is a... |