Vandalia NewsLocal news for Vandalia, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Lou Mumford: Swenor election recall stands- November 21, 2007 "How can somebody say lies about you ... and get away with it'' he said, referring to the recall petition filed by Shirley Hawkins. The petition accused Swenor of making "racial slurs against the people of Benton Harbor, Cassopolis and Vandalia." Recalled Cassopolis village councilman Tim Swenor will stay recalled, despite picking up one vote Monday in a recount of votes cast in the Nov. via South Bend Tribune The Cassopolis Vigilant- November 16, 2007 "Alert the kids to go to the nearest house with a light on for help and call the police right away" Before the Village Council meeting Tuesday evening, a girl was spared as a possible abduction victim, Police Chief Frank Williams, Jr. via Cassopolis Vigilant Recall ousts Swenor- November 8, 2007 "Nothing ever gets done because of all the recalls" Voters ousted Cassopolis village trustee Tim Swenor from his council seat in a recall Tuesday. via South Bend Tribune |