St. Louis NewsLocal news for St. Louis, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Contamination coming to St. Louis water supply- July 18, 2008 No St. Louis resident is now in danger of coming into contact with any Velsicol Chemical contaminants remaining in the soil and water. 12-year-old takes Gratiot Idol crown- July 12, 2008 With a voice that sounds nothing like a 12-year-old, Shuba Vedula took home first prize as the Gratiot Idol. Washington Ave Suffering From Deferred Maintenance- July 10, 2008 When the rebuilt Washington Avenue reopened around 2003 after a $20+ million make over everyone was excited. Blues Festival ending with a blast- July 6, 2008 The red, white and blues are on tap again for this year's Fourth of July celebration. 1908 quilt returns home- July 4, 2008 A 100-year-old quilt that originated in Gratiot County's Bethany Township has returned home. Blues fest slated in St. Louis- July 2, 2008 Observing the Fourth of July is an annual tradition in St. Louis but for the second year in a row the event will have an added attraction. |