Truesdale NewsLocal news for Truesdale, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Warrenton officials to help Coca-Cola find grant funding- June 18, 2008 Warrenton officials will partner with Truesdale and Coca-Cola officials to help acquire state grants for the company. Commissioners Continue to Study Building Options- June 11, 2008 A decision isn't expected for a couple of weeks, but Warren County commissioners recently toured several possible building sites for the new county administration building. Officials step up search for county building site- June 9, 2008 Warren County commissioners visited seven locations Thursday on their search for the site of the county's new administrative building. Truesdale, Warrenton join forces to annex along I-70- June 7, 2008 The cities of Warrenton and Truesdale are working together to finalize the annexation of rights of way east along Interstate 70. Coca-Cola plans $50 million expansion in Truesdale- June 5, 2008 The Coca-Cola bottling plant in Truesdale may soon be the site of a new $50 million expansion project. |