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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for May 2008

Tanner News

Local news for Tanner, AL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

Fallen soldiers, today's warriors honored - May 28, 2008

Veterans and fallen comrades, along with surviving families, were honored with a Memorial Day program Monday at Collins Elementary School in Scottsboro.

Environmentalists worried quarry might harm wildlife - May 26, 2008

As motorists whiz by on U.S. 31 heading home for the evening, most of them never see the great blue herons above making their way home to a swamp off Thomas Hammons Road in southern Limestone County.

Celebrating canola - May 24, 2008

Locals learn about the benefits of canola crops for biodiesel fuel By Karen Middleton In a world of spiraling gasoline prices and warring oil-producing nations, the goal Americans ...

Newsbeat 5-22 - May 22, 2008

The Limestone County Sheriff's Department reported the following arrests Wednesday, some of which may be the result of grand jury indictments: David Lee Brown, 28, of 20854 Todd Circle, Athens, probation ...
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