Vincent NewsLocal news for Vincent, AL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Down the hall: Flag burning an honor when done right- December 26, 2007 On the usually cold, second Saturday in December, a tradition takes place. An annual occurrence where Shelby County High School JROTCs gather to retire old and worn American flags properly. via Shelby County Reporter Holidays bring out giving spirit- December 10, 2007 "They gave me a second chance at getting my life back." Christmas time is here, and without question this has to be my favorite time of year because something very real, and very poignant, begins to happen. via Detroit News Online Shelby County looks decade ahead with growth initiative- December 8, 2007 "We don't want to name names yet" Alabama's fastest-growing county has miles of highways jammed with commuters, but Shelby County's long-range initiative aims to make the Birmingham suburb more appealing for its residents and workers. via Alabama Live |