White Pine NewsLocal news for White Pine, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Historical society receives museum donation - November 19, 2007"We've even had people from Europe and Asia stop in" The Bessemer Area Historical Society received yet another donation for its museum on Sophie Street. via Daily Globehttp://www.topix.net/city/white-pine-mi/2007/11/historical-society-receives-museum-donatio... Waiting to build biomass power - November 14, 2007"The only thing that really increased is a small increase in CO, that's carbon monoxide, in volatile organic compounds, and lead" L'ANSE - A regulatory formality is the only bridge left to cross before a White Pine-based company can start construction on a project in L'Anse that will turn timber harvest residue and paper mill waste into ... via The Daily Mining Gazettehttp://www.topix.net/city/white-pine-mi/2007/11/waiting-to-build-biomass-power?fromrss=1 Evergreen branches needed for veteran therapy program - November 2, 2007Calhoun County Master Gardeners are working with Veterans Affairs Medical Center outpatients in the CWT Therapy Program making holiday wreaths. via Battle Creek Enquirerhttp://www.topix.net/city/white-pine-mi/2007/11/evergreen-branches-needed-for-veteran-ther... |