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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for April 2008

The Yellow Peril

The Yellow Peril -

stream of consciousness - April 30, 2008

Saturday, I saw Black Kids, Cut Copy, and Simian Mobile Disco. I'm not going to go into a long review since you guys weren't there and couldn't possibly fathom the sheer awesomeness of it all. But yeah, it was good. SF crowds are usually "too cool for school" and stand there nodding their heads to the beat. Barely alive.At this show, everyone was dancing and jumping around. There was collective dancey consciousness or something. I went with Scott and all his old raver moves came out and made me.

(Untitled) - April 26, 2008

Lots.Er, let me see here... I convinced Miles and Tamiko to come down to Reed's Sport Shop because they were closing down the cyclery, which meant discounted prices! We all ended up with bikes that day and couldn't fit them all into Miles' Scion, so Tamiko and I rode the 5.1 miles home. I bought a cheap bike I could ride on trails and stuff, but one day, when I have enough money, I'll buy some sexy coasting bike for riding around downtown. Either a Raleigh or a Schwinn. drools Eric turned 27 so.

I live. - April 17, 2008

Nothing going on in my life, lots going on in my head. Lots and lots. I talked on the phone to my friend, Stacy, for two hours today; I can't remember the last time I had such a long phone call. I'm still camera-less and had the money to buy a new one. Instead, I paid some bills. Grr at myself for being responsible! I should have just bought it and lived off instant noodles for the next month. Eric bought Guitar Hero III on a whim. I hope my wrists don't get all feckered from my repeated...

(Untitled) - April 2, 2008

I am going public, again, I suppose. My life is too boring to hide behind locked posts anyway.poule_avion linked to this NY Times article on love and taking literary tastes too seriously. I found it rather amusing, since I used to struggle with not judging people by what books they like to read.The next batch of photos are sorta Jess-centric, sorry. I'm actually considering not buying the Canon 40D now because it would be financially irresponsible. However, this will leave me camera-less and...
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