Valley Springs NewsLocal news for Valley Springs, AR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Tornados come and go; people work together- February 11, 2008 This week, I decided that this was simply not the time to try and make some sort of segue between song lyrics and the topic of today's discussion because it's simply too serious. via Harrison Daily Times O'Dell, Collins win Boone Spelling Bee- February 7, 2008 Staff PhotoLee H. Dunlap Eagle Heights third-grader Leara Collins took top honors Tuesday morning in the younger group of competitors in the Boone County spelling Bee, with Eagle Heights student Carson Pannell ... via Harrison Daily Times Early voting heavy- February 5, 2008 "We've had a wonderful turnout" Staff PhotoCelia DeWoody A line of voters went out the door and down the hall in the basement of the Boone County Courthouse this morning for early voting in the Presidential Primary. via Harrison Daily Times Still, Magness to wed- February 3, 2008 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Still of Everton announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Emily Blake Still to Joshua Michael Magness, son of Mr. via Harrison Daily Times Bill Witty seeking state seat- February 2, 2008 "I will be available, hard-working and serious about my responsibilities" Bill Witty has announced his intentions to seek the office of state representative for Arkansas' 85th District, subject to the Democratic primary May 20. via Harrison Daily Times |