Walnut Ridge NewsLocal news for Walnut Ridge, AR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Porn sting nails local man- May 31, 2008 Two men - one a Walnut Ridge Police patrolman - have been arrested in a sting operation that targeted Internet child pornography, an investigating officer said Thursday.http://www.topix.net/city/walnut-ridge-ar/2008/05/porn-sting-nails-local-man?fromrss=1 Police Say Copper Thieves Hit Lawrence County- May 30, 2008 A mended hole marks the spot police say thieves gained access to thousands of dollars in copper at the Craighead Electric Maintenance Facility just outside of Walnut Ridge Thursday morning.http://www.topix.net/city/walnut-ridge-ar/2008/05/police-say-copper-thieves-hit-lawrence-c... Walnut Grove police officer arrrested in child-porn sting- May 29, 2008 A Walnut Grove police officer has been arrested after detectives say they found child pornography on his personal computer.http://www.topix.net/city/walnut-ridge-ar/2008/05/walnut-grove-police-officer-arrrested-in... Education- May 22, 2008 Briar Skimahorn and Lance Snyder talk to Tammy Dunigan, a lab tech and phlebotomy supervisor with St.http://www.topix.net/city/walnut-ridge-ar/2008/05/education?fromrss=1 Rector girls among new WEO officers at Williams Baptist College- May 15, 2008 Two Rector girls are among officers of the Williams Educators Organization at Williams Baptist College in Walnut Ridge. via Clay County Democrathttp://www.topix.net/city/walnut-ridge-ar/2008/05/rector-girls-among-new-weo-officers-at-w... Viewpoints- May 14, 2008 Sydney , four, and Nicholas , 18 months, are the children of Warren and Christina Robinson of Ft. via Times-Dispatchhttp://www.topix.net/city/walnut-ridge-ar/2008/05/viewpoints-2?fromrss=1 Viewpoints- May 8, 2008 Brock Warner Schlef , 11 months, is the son of Michael and Heather Schlef of Plano, Texas. via Times-Dispatchhttp://www.topix.net/city/walnut-ridge-ar/2008/05/viewpoints?fromrss=1 New drug court helping officials combat problem- May 1, 2008 "If someone desires to be drug free and solve their addiction issue, then drug court is the best possible place there is." Officials in Lawrence County are using a new tool to help fight the drug abuse problem. via Times-Dispatchhttp://www.topix.net/city/walnut-ridge-ar/2008/05/new-drug-court-helping-officials-combat-... |