Vandercook Lake NewsLocal news for Vandercook Lake, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Girls rule among top area students- May 23, 2008 Girls seem smarter than boys. Back in the mid 1990s, when my daughter began school, no one yet assumed girls are smartest. District gives wrestling program second chance- May 20, 2008 District gives wrestling program second chance By Ken Wyatt As a test of muscle, it wasn't completely decisive. Storyfest a hit for all ages- May 5, 2008 "The adult (sessions) are just so much fun, too -- good, healthy entertainment" With the sounds of elephants, lions and crocodiles ringing in the air, Jackson High School's auditorium felt a little like Wild Kingdom on Friday. via Jackson Cit Pat - MLive.com Elect Allen, Smith from crowded field- May 3, 2008 The following is a Jackson Citizen Patriot editorial for May 2: When seven people run for two school board seats, it's tempting to see that as a sign of trouble. via Opinion and Column - Jackson Citizen ... |