Volcano NewsLocal news for Volcano, HI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.The Volcano Art Center Gallery- June 29, 2008 Deadline: Ongoing The Volcano Art Center Gallery Gallery & Gift Shop EXHIBITION or CONSIGNMENT Volcano, HI The Volcano Art Center Gallery features art and fine crafts by over 300 artists, many whose work is ...http://www.topix.net/city/volcano-hi/2008/06/the-volcano-art-center-gallery?fromrss=1 Vog could become an issue again this weekend- June 27, 2008 If the trade winds diminish to the point that is expected this weekend, air quality could become an issue once again, the National Weather Service said in it's forecast this morning.http://www.topix.net/city/volcano-hi/2008/06/vog-could-become-an-issue-again-this-weekend?... Wreckage of missing tour plane found- June 23, 2008 HILO>> A Hawaii County contract helicopter found a missing Island Hoppers Cessna 172M tour plane at 5:53 a.m. today, crashed in dense forest on the southeast slope of Mauna Loa, Fire Chief Darryl Oliveira said.http://www.topix.net/city/volcano-hi/2008/06/wreckage-of-missing-tour-plane-found?fromrss=... No clear answers yet to health risks of vog- June 21, 2008 Hawai'i health experts, emergency officials and lawmakers tried to determine Friday how dangerous Kilauea's thick volcanic smog is.http://www.topix.net/city/volcano-hi/2008/06/no-clear-answers-yet-to-health-risks-of-vog?f... Big Island tour plane disappears- June 20, 2008 A single-engine airplane with three people aboard disappeared yesterday over or near the Big Island.http://www.topix.net/city/volcano-hi/2008/06/big-island-tour-plane-disappears?fromrss=1 Vog worries require unity, not politics- June 19, 2008 The vog from the Big Island's Kilauea Volcano has been so bad on some days that you can barely see the Ko'olau a mile away from their base - and it's getting to be scary stuff for some local residents.http://www.topix.net/city/volcano-hi/2008/06/vog-worries-require-unity-not-politics?fromrs... Newswatch, PoliceFire- June 18, 2008 Runoff from heavy rains prompted the Air Force to close Bellows Field Beach Park through Monday, according to a news release from the state Department of Health.http://www.topix.net/city/volcano-hi/2008/06/newswatch-police-fire-2?fromrss=1 Let's go: Hawaii and the World- June 15, 2008 The action thriller 'Wanted,' starring Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie, is the opening-night feature at the Los Angeles Film Festival and kicks off 10 days presenting the best of American and international ...http://www.topix.net/city/volcano-hi/2008/06/lets-go-hawaii-and-the-world?fromrss=1 Kapolei park to host Konishiki's 'Ohana'- June 12, 2008 KAPOLEI - The Hawaiian Waters Adventure Park will host Konishiki Kids Foundation Ohana Day this Fourth of July to benefit the Konishiki Kids Foundation.http://www.topix.net/city/volcano-hi/2008/06/kapolei-park-to-host-konishikis-ohana?fromrss... Newswatch, PoliceFire- June 11, 2008 UH picks Hawaiian studies dean Michigan State University professor Maenette Kape'ahiokalani Padeken Ah Nee-Benham will return to her alma mater to head the new Hawai'inuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge.http://www.topix.net/city/volcano-hi/2008/06/newswatch-police-fire?fromrss=1 |