Wailuku NewsLocal news for Wailuku, HI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Average Hawai'i gas price now $1 more than year ago- June 30, 2008 Gasoline in Hawai'i now costs a dollar more than it did a year ago, according to the latest Gas Watch report from AAA Hawaii.http://www.topix.net/city/wailuku-hi/2008/06/average-hawaii-gas-price-now-1-more-than-year... Women's Fund Makes Grants to Seven Organizations- June 28, 2008 The Women's Fund of Hawai'i is a grant-making foundation dedicated exclusively to supporting women and girls in Hawaii because when women thrive, families and communities prosper.http://www.topix.net/city/wailuku-hi/2008/06/womens-fund-makes-grants-to-seven-organizatio... July "Brown Bag" Business Resource Center Workshops Slated- June 26, 2008 June 25, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WAILUKU, MAUI - The County of Maui Office of Economic Development today announced its "Brown Bag" workshops scheduled for July.http://www.topix.net/city/wailuku-hi/2008/06/july-brown-bag-business-resource-center-works... "Reef Night" Promotes Education and Conservation- June 24, 2008 June 23, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WAILUKU, MAUI - A tasty reef invader was the center of attention Sunday as local chefs created mouth-watering preparations of ta'ape, or blue-lined snapper, that is ...http://www.topix.net/city/wailuku-hi/2008/06/reef-night-promotes-education-and-conservatio... Maui Council ponders bed & breakfast rules- June 22, 2008 WAILUKU, Maui - To surface appearances, Tuesday's meeting of the Maui County Council Planning Committee was about refining the bed-and-breakfast ordinance.http://www.topix.net/city/wailuku-hi/2008/06/maui-council-ponders-bed-breakfast-rules?from... The purpose of the Maui Crime Watch is to inform residents about...- June 20, 2008 Keep in mind that the listings below only represent reports and calls to police.http://www.topix.net/city/wailuku-hi/2008/06/the-purpose-of-the-maui-crime-watch-is-to-inf... |