Valley Grove NewsLocal news for Valley Grove, WV continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Group Wants Paid Fire Crew at The H.....- June 24, 2008 Valley Grove volunteer firefighters call themselves the ''Guardians of The Highlands'' - a title they hope to continue to live up to with a station containing paid workers at the site. The love letter: Valley Grove church- June 21, 2008 Elizabeth Braaten and her fiancA©, William, take a break from decorating for their wedding Thursday morning outside the - newer' wooden church at Valley Grove near Nerstrand. PDA Members - Our Brothers and Sisters invite us to join them on the Longest- June 11, 2008 From Jay Nightwolf: "Mimi as the walkers pass through each location, please inform PDA membership that these walkers are surviving on donations of food, water, hospitality, love and money. Shuttle Service Up to Merchants- June 9, 2008 While doing some power shopping at the Power Center Thursday, Cathie Mueller said she didn't mind walking a portion of The Highlands - but for longer distances an air-conditioned shuttle would be appreciated. |