Waikane NewsLocal news for Waikane, HI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Turtle Bay idea should be judged on its merits- January 30, 2008 It's been a fascinating glimpse into the jaded heart of Hawai'i's political culture to watch the reaction to Gov. via The Honolulu Advertiserhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikane-hi/2008/01/turtle-bay-idea-should-be-judged-on-its-merit... Ariyoshi urges care with N. Shore plan- January 28, 2008 "We know the impact it will have, the impact on our lifestyle, the pressure it will apply. ... To me we have a responsibility to try everything we can to make this happen." A preservationist and former governor says Lingle must prioritize Gov. Linda Lingle's ambitious goal for the state to buy 850 acres at Turtle Bay Resort has raised the eyebrows of a proven advocate of Oahu land ... via Honolulu Star-Bulletinhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikane-hi/2008/01/ariyoshi-urges-care-with-n-shore-plan?fromrss... Religion- January 19, 2008 Church of the Crossroads to honor the Rev. Nakata The Church of the Crossroads will award the Rev. via Honolulu Star-Bulletinhttp://www.topix.net/city/waikane-hi/2008/01/religion?fromrss=1 |