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Feed items 41 - 48 of 48 for June 2008

The Rambler

Contemporary music, culture, stuff and nonsense

Timeless Timeless - (Found June 24, 2008 )

On the other hand, as I continue revisiting my old records on my London travels, Goldie's Timeless is something else, a product of similar times, but it stands up against almost anything else I own ...

Authentic response - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Now that, that's really good. If Luka carries on like this, I'm going to end up liking Brian Sewell ...

Rothko - (Found June 24, 2008 )

And I love Rothko, y'know. The first time I visited Tate Modern, I was bowled over by the Rothko room there - obviously, I knew what Rothkos were supposed to look like, had the posters, even seen a few in Real Life, but these ones - they were a different shape. Not fuzzy rectangles floating over fields of colour, but fuzzy 'O's, like bits of toast with wholes cut out the middle, but red and the size of a car.

Another new classical blog - (Found June 24, 2008 )

I have been alerted to a new classical blog, Symphony X, which aims to 'reawaken the classical conversation for the 21st century", which seems to me thoroughly laudable aim ...

Bartok, Lendvai, Gann - (Found June 24, 2008 )

A really interesting post from Kyle Gann, on the conflict between system and inspiration in modern composition. It's an old chestnut, and Gann has some notable points to make on the way, observing that many (student) composers see the failure of theory to explain what is happening in a piece of Charles Ives, say, as a victory for the composer. I think the composers' argument is a specious one for either side to take up - theory and practice are not opponents: any musical work is an act of...

Here's to your conventions - (Found June 24, 2008 )

London is swarming with Gothie-Indie-kiddies tonight. More dyed locks and black jeans than three-piece suits. I'm guessing they're all heading for Earl's Court and Radiohead. I say this because tomorrow evening I'll be headed that way too, although I'll be dressed more antipopper than t-shirt noir ...

Radiohead: isolation and community - (Found June 24, 2008 )

This parodoxical life. Isolation and community. Radiohead, Earl's Court, London, 27 Nov 2003. One moment, after 'The Gloaming', with all-new overlaid vocals: 'just to make it even weirder' said a pop kid to my right. The song was met with near universal bemusement, but was followed by 'Just', to near universal delirium.


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