The RamblerContemporary music, culture, stuff and nonsenseMore repetition- (Found June 24, 2008 ) It always sounds dumb and pretentious when I say it, but I say it anyway: music is a form of time travel. Brian Marley on Feldman- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Mid-note to the ongoing repetitiontime-travel thang: some lovely words by Brian Marley reviewing Feldman's Late Works with Clarinet (Mode 119 CD) in the current Wire: I Feel Time- (Found June 24, 2008 ) There's nowt more prog than Stockhausen. Speaking of whom, some more words on experiential time... Somedisco you have a wicked imagination...- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Yes yes yes! How great would that have been! Gramophone and Meredith Monk- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Thanks to Scott for the props. And for bringing the Rambler its 1000th customer. Free shop next time you visit. But enough self-referential back-slapping for now. Naturally I know about Gramophone, and I guess that is an exception, but I've never really bothered reading it regularly... Turner Prize Nostalgia- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Ashamed to say, but 1998 is the only year I've actually been to the Turner exhibition, which is pretty poor considering that every year I moan about Daily Mail readers who wouldn't know good modern art if it bit them on the nose. And that was a really strong year... The Worst Album Covers in the World- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Cripes and lummie. And a Zip Zap Rap to you too, Devastatin' Dave... Bill Bailey blogs!- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Thanks to a heads up from Sarah Devil's Workshop, I've just come across this, which makes me happy. The smell of cordite hangs heavy in the air- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Blimey - bonfire night was massive this year, wasn't it Worst commentary of the year, heard on Five Live as Ashley Cole scored for the Arse ... USTVVSUKTV- (Found June 24, 2008 ) So, as we watched London become obscured in cordite smoke and explosions last night, milady and I were talking about US TV vs UK TV, prompted by the fact that The Office has been sold to the USA, where it is being remade for a US audience (oh, and apparently Ricky Gervais is due to appear in Alias, which is just weird) ... |