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Feed items 11 - 20 of 48 for June 2008

The Rambler

Contemporary music, culture, stuff and nonsense

New Music blogs - (Found June 24, 2008 )

I knew there had to be some other New Music bloggy stuff around. Here's a Contemporary American classical blog: aworks; and here's a big new music news site: NetNewMusic. And via the latter, this too. Possibly more later on...

Robert Whitman Cellphone Performance - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Scanner meets Alvin Lucier meets Iain Sinclair. I can only approve.

Ligeti at 80 - (Found June 24, 2008 )

A whole weekend of music, films and other baubels celebrating Ligeti's 80th birthday (which was way back in May, but you know how it is with booking places for yr birthday bash). I got to one of the films (the talk with Ligeti's recent biographer, Richard Steinitz, and the composers Steve Martland and Robert Saxton was sold out, and the first film clashed with England-South Africa...), and the two centrepiece concerts...

Triple gatefold blogging - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Ha ha ha!

Underworld overground - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Oh, and milady wouldn't allow me to let this go by without a plug for Gaiman's splendid Neverwhere.

I Got RSS - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Hey! Check me out! Now I have an RSS feed, without paying a penny. C'mon! OK. What happens now

Linda Bouchard - (Found June 24, 2008 )

I've just discovered this woman's music (doing some research for The Day Job), and I really like it. Not every day that happens.

Unnn Rocckk that boody connfideennttlyrw - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Spam poetry. Excellent stuff.

Flattery will get you here... - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Well, frankly, this Google referral flatters me somewhat...

Urgent Business Confidential - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Following on from the spam poetry mini-post below, the Rambler is amused to note that one Brad Sucks has actually produced a whole spam-inspired album.
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- June (48 items)
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