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Feed items 21 - 30 of 48 for June 2008

The Rambler

Contemporary music, culture, stuff and nonsense

More is more. - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Some good stuff on minimalism by Philip Sherburne in the current Urban Sounds.

Open-ended manifesto - (Found June 24, 2008 )

So, I've been thinking for a few days that having this blog is all very well and all, but what is it actually for And it seems to me that although there is plenty of excellent blogging around yr popstars, and yr Wire-friendly music (and we all know who I mean - check right), I've yet to see anything consistently tackle that awkward stuff 'modern composition', 'contemporary classical', or whatever you want to call it...

Uneasy listening - (Found June 24, 2008 )

And I'm tickled to see that CDDB categorises this month's Wire giveaway CD as 'Easy Listening' ...

Not dying, still kicking - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Apologies for the lack of posting around here at the moment, but I've spent so much of this week busily avoiding Work that now I'm deluged by the stuff. Still, to keep you happy, have a read of Greg Sandow over at (he's stablemates with Kyle Gann, whose blog PostClassic has just made it to my sidebar) ...

Moondog - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Nice article on Moondog in yesterday's Guardian. If, like me, you've not heard any before, there are some audio snippets here, and a few more here if you poke around a bit - plus lots of other discog info, etc.

More Derbyshire and Oram - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Loving Woebot's Delia and Daphne piece. I'm not sure that Oram is the one in danger of being forgotten - if that's what's being suggested. For one thing, she currently has an article in the New Grove dictionary of music, while Delia doesn't ...

Tell me those stories I love to hear - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Talking with someone today over a Work Christmas lunch. Turkey. Roast taters. The smallest chipolata I have ever seen. "So, do you like John Adams, then" ...

Resolutions - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Being a big fan of life lived by pulse and cycle, I'm also a big one for making New Year's resolutions. This year's a big year for me, since it's the one in which I get married, and miraculously become grown up and sensible. Ahem. ...

John Cage: Musicircus - (Found June 24, 2008 )

If I ever got asked to an Epiphanies page for The Wire, then I suppose hearing this work for the first (and second) times at the Barbican, London, back in 1998 would be my subject of choice ...

Brit bafflement - (Found June 24, 2008 )

I know it shouldn't annoy me because no one actually cares about the Brit awards, but every year I get annoyed all the same. This year's nominations have been announced, and I'm utterly baffled ...
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