Watertown NewsLocal news for Watertown, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Name released in fatal Watertown crash- July 21, 2008 At approximately 1:55 p.m., Saturday, July 19, a 16-year-old died in a one-vehicle crash on County Road 123 near Watertown.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/07/name-released-in-fatal-watertown-crash?from... Teen killed following crash in Carver County- July 21, 2008 A 16-year-old boy died Saturday night, five hours after crashing his pickup truck in Carver County.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/07/teen-killed-following-crash-in-carver-count... Teen dies in crash near Watertown- July 20, 2008 A 16-year-old died in a crash near Watertown Saturday afternoon. Just before 2 p.m., the boy crashed his pickup truck into a power pole on County Road 23 in Carver County.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/07/teen-dies-in-crash-near-watertown?fromrss=1 Carver County-Storms roll through Carver County- July 18, 2008 Severe weather ripped through portions of Carver County during the noon hour on Thursday, July 10.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/07/carver-county-storms-roll-through-carver-co... Hecksel is not ready to retire- July 11, 2008 "Hopefully, in a small way, somewhere, my decisions helped make Winsted even better than it is," Eldron Hecksel said recently after resigning from the Winsted Planning Commission June 25, due to health reasons.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/07/hecksel-is-not-ready-to-retire?fromrss=1 Minnetonka man is all abuzz about keeping bees- July 5, 2008 On Sunday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., the Common Roots Cafe, 2558 Lyndale Av. S., Minneapolis will hold a bee information event featuring a preview of a soon-to-be-released documentary called "The Vanishing of the ...http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/07/minnetonka-man-is-all-abuzz-about-keeping-b... Grading Minnesota clinics- July 3, 2008 A new report rates 345 Minnesota clinics on the number of patients given "optimal care" for diabetes and vascular disease.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/07/grading-minnesota-clinics?fromrss=1 Carver County Communicators Toastmasters Club to meet in Chaska- July 1, 2008 Carver County Communicators Toastmasters Club is holding an open house at 7 p.m., Monday, July 14 at Chaska Community Center.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/06/carver-county-communicators-toastmasters-cl... |