Watertown NewsLocal news for Watertown, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Enzyme maker chooses city in Nebraska- June 29, 2008 A Denmark company that manufactures enzymes used in making ethanol fuel and at one point in its search for a North American plant showed interest in Albert Lea has picked Blair, Neb.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/06/enzyme-maker-chooses-city-in-nebraska?fromr... Carver County man reported missing is found- June 27, 2008 The 59-year-old Carver County man reported missing this week after visiting relatives on the Iron Range has been found, authorities said today.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/06/carver-county-man-reported-missing-is-found... Police ask for help in finding missing Watertown man- June 25, 2008 The Carver County Sheriff's Office is asking the public for their help in locating a missing 59-year-old man from Watertown.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/06/police-ask-for-help-in-finding-missing-wate... Readers respond to "The GOPFathers"- June 11, 2008 I found your article interesting and thought-provoking, but not in the manner you, no doubt, intended .http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/06/readers-respond-to-the-gopfathers?fromrss=1 Carver County News- June 4, 2008 Carver County News - News: Thumbs up! Ashley Kohler and Elise Genereux give thumbs up after graduating from Watertown-Mayer High School on Friday, May 30.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-mn/2008/06/carver-county-news?fromrss=1 |