Superior NewsLocal news for Superior, NE continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Tinkham receives state FFA honor- March 31, 2008 Bruce Tinkham of Superior has been selected by the Nebraska FFA Association as a 2008 Honorary State Degree recipitant. Tinkham was nominated by the Superior FFA Chapter and the Nebraska Agriculture Education Association (NAEA) for the award. The degree is the highest the state association bestows upon adult FFA supporters.Tinkham will receive his honorary plaque in ceremonies at Pershing Auditorium on April 3. He was cited for his work in NAEA District 8 for chairing the F FA State Degree... Health fair scheduled for April 5- March 29, 2008 The 2008 Nuckolls County Health and Wellness Fair is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, from 9 a.m. to noon at Superior High School, according to Karen Tinkham, public relations director at Brodstone Memorial Hospital.Blood draws are scheduled for the week before so that the results may be picked up at the fair. Blood draw will be done Tuesday, April 1, and Thursday, April 3, from 7 to 10 a.m. in the lab at Brodstone Memorial Hospital. Please call for an appointment.Additionally, blood draws... Goose population continues to rise- March 26, 2008 Scientists responsible for a long term research of arctic bird nesting colonies report light goose numbers have steadily increased for the past 20 yearsLight geese have done well on their southern wintering grounds. More acres of their gulf coast habitat have been converted from pasture to cropland. The geese feed on waste grains which provide them with more energy than the pasture land. As a result, they have raised larger broods and fledged more young to make the fall migration.Scientists... |