Station Square NewsLocal news for Station Square (Pittsburgh, PA) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Adventure Time: Scene is set for Sunday's Pedal Pittsburgh- May 15, 2008 "I prefer to lead the 15-mile tour because you get more people who aren't familiar with the city" PNC Pedal Pittsburgh, an at-your-own-pace opportunity to see the city from the saddle of a bicycle, cranks up Sunday. via Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Time to get out and pedal the Burgh- May 11, 2008 "You get a different perspective from a bike instead of a car. Every neighborhood is like a different country. They have their own personalities. You see the city change every year. You see what's new and how it's improving." First and foremost, PNC Pedal Pittsburgh is a ride, not a race. It's an opportunity to see the city from the saddle of a bicycle and to do so at your own pace. via Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Church Circuit- May 2, 2008 Geneva College's Center for Urban Biblical Ministry will host a boat ride at 6:30 p.m. on the Gateway Clipper Fleet, 350 West Station Square, Station Square. via New Pittsburgh Courier |