Squirrel Hill NewsLocal news for Squirrel Hill (Pittsburgh, PA) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Afro-American Music Institute offers JamTastic concert at Gullifty's- May 31, 2008 You might not be familiar with the Afro-American Music Institute, Homewood's community-based music school specializing in jazz, blues, gospel and R&B. But if the lineup for Thursday night's JamTastic Music ...http://www.topix.net/city/pittsburgh-pa-squirrel-hill/2008/05/afro-american-music-institut... Bubble Pi's formula for success not complicated- May 29, 2008 Math is a big deal in Ivy Lin's family. So, when she finally realized a long-held dream of owning a bakery, she picked a name that reflected her talented family's mathematical background -- Bubble Pi Baking ...http://www.topix.net/city/pittsburgh-pa-squirrel-hill/2008/05/bubble-pis-formula-for-succe... |