wake up!you can observe a lot just by watchingTalking patterns and social design at the IA Summit- (Found July 23, 2008 ) If you&8217;re interested in interaction design patterns or in the elements of social web design, then come on down to Miami in April for the IA Summit and either sign up for one of the two pre-conference workshops I&8217;m helping teach or see my presentation or panel in the main program. Here are the basic facts about the two workshops (more details in the title links): Design patterns: from interaction to design to build is a full-day workshop I&8217;m teaching with Erin Malone and Lucas..http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/02/21/talking_patterns_and_social_design_at_the_ia_summi... If I have to appear in Valleywag this is the way to go- (Found July 23, 2008 ) Started off Saturday morning with Kick &8216;08. Namedropping: Talked to George Kelly, Erin Malone, Anil Dash, Jessamyn West (yay!), Simon Willison, Owen Thomas, Hugh Forrest, Micah Alpern (briefly, passing on the escalator), Janna Hicks DeVylder so far&8230;.http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/03/08/if_i_have_to_appear_in_valleywag_this_is_the_way_t... Testing Anil Dash's text-embed idea- (Found July 23, 2008 ) Anil Dash blogged recently about adapting the embedding method used for rich media on personal blog social sites (most common use case: embedding a YouTube video on a MySpace page) to simple text quoting. He has added an embed code to each of his entries and I&8217;m going to paste it in, inside a blockquote tag pair, at the end of this post. His commenters talk about how re-blogging hasn&8217;t really taken off. This was one solid feature of Radio Userland, although I didn&8217;t like the...http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/03/17/testing_anil_dashs_textembed_idea.html Social design patterns talk at BayCHI next week- (Found July 23, 2008 ) Next Tuesday (April 8, 2008) I&8217;ll be speaking at BayCHI on the topic of social patterns in a talk called Social Design and the Yahoo! Pattern Library: Social networking sites are proliferating. New social media aggregrators appear every day. Venerable old sites are adding social features or trying to activate the social profiles of their users and members. A number of the interaction patterns that drive social relationships online are becoming clear (as well as a number of nasty...http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/04/03/social_design_patterns_talk_at_baychi_next_week.ht... Great, now I have to keep up with Bucky- (Found July 23, 2008 ) This made my day Originally uploaded by xian. When I saw someone was using twitter to send out quotations from Buckminister Fuller I was all over that. Getting this email message was just kind of an unexpected side treat. Now, if Bucky Fuller really was following me on twitter I might feel a little more pressure to be brilliant and cosmic. Like a dweeby Merlin Mann.http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/04/04/great_now_i_have_to_keep_up_with_bucky.html These are your most powerful and trusted friends- (Found July 23, 2008 ) These are your most powerful and trusted friends Originally uploaded by xian. A leaderboard, viral, breaks email (one-way only), reputation game pattern from the Circle of Trust app on Facebook.http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/04/05/these_are_your_most_powerful_and_trusted_friends.h... Talk back to presenters with Ted Nadeau's patented Reaction Deck 1.0- (Found July 23, 2008 ) At South by Southwest, Ted Nadeau and I led a &8220;core conversation&8221; on the topic of reputation, identity, and presence. Ted is great at questioning basic assumptions and had this idea of handing out placards an audience of participants could use to signal their reactions to what was being said to them. We imagine double-sided signs on sticks to hold up, sort of like the Roadrunner does, but we settled for handing out cut paper. We&8217;re still working on the mechanics of this, and the.http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/04/07/talk_back_to_presenters_with_ted_nadeaus_patented_... Social design patterns slides from BayCHI last week- (Found July 23, 2008 ) Here are my slides from my talk at Xerox Parc (the BayCHI monthly program meeting) on April 8th: View Upload your own When I get the audio, I plan to put together a slidecast to synch the slides to the talk, which should be more valuable. Oh, and consider viewing the slides in full-screen mode. They should be a lot more legible that way. I did my best to optimize the source files.http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/04/17/social_design_patterns_slides_from_baychi_last_wee... Three talks for the price of, well, none- (Found July 23, 2008 ) At the IA Summit a week ago in Miami, I co-taught two full-day workshops (on patterns with Erin Malone and Lucas Pettinati, and social design with Christina Wodtke and Joshua Porter), moderated a panel (on presence and other aspects of social web architecture with Gene Smith, Wodtke, Andrew Hinton, and Andrew Crow), and gave a presentation with Austin Govella from Comcast on designing with patterns. (Phew.) I finally got my slides posted to slideshare today from the panel and the presentation..http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/04/22/three_talks_for_the_price_of_well_none.html Ignite was fun- (Found July 23, 2008 ) My Ignite talk, Grasping Social Patterns Originally uploaded by duncandavidson. Here are my slides. View Upload your own Audio when it&8217;s available (video too). UPDATE: and here&8217;s some YouTube video shot from the audience (the very beginning of my talk is cut off):http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/04/23/ignite_was_fun.html |