wake up!you can observe a lot just by watchingI'm helping Sir Christopher Wren build this here cathedral- (Found July 23, 2008 ) Or should I perhaps have found an anecdote with a bazaar in it for my title I&8217;ve been enjoying watching a lot of my fellow Y!OS cow-orkers &8220;decloak&8221; if you will and proudly announce to family and friends that yes, this Yahoo! Open strategy is what we&8217;ve all been working on:http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/04/24/im_helping_sir_christopher_wren_build_this_here_ca... System going down in 10 minutes. Please finish up....- (Found July 23, 2008 ) This blog, this domain, and all of my other Mediajunkie domains are going offline for about a week. We are retooling our server, migrating from RHL to Ubuntu, and generally tightening up security. If I have a burning need to blog while this site is down, I&8217;ll do it over at Vox. See you in about a week or so.http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/05/01/system_going_down_in_10_minutes_please_finish_up.h... Playing around with Utterz- (Found July 23, 2008 ) Posted a thought via mobile that popped into my head driving to work this morning, part of an ongoing imaginary argument: Mobile post sent by xian using Utterz.&160;&160;Replies.&160;&160;mp3http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/05/06/playing_around_with_utterz.html ...and we're back- (Found July 23, 2008 ) Holy Christ that was a giant pain in the ass. On the bright side I may have gotten a whole chapter for my book on presence, all about what it&8217;s like to have a longstanding web presence offline for six weeks or more. As far as the Internet is concerned you might as well be dead. Maybe I&8217;ll get some more blogging in now that I am alive again. Did you hear me I&8230; AM&8230; ALIVE !!!!1!http://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/07/07/and_were_back.html Apps I've downloaded onto my iPhone so far- (Found July 23, 2008 ) Twitterific would like to use your current location! Shazam didn&8217;t recognize John Cage last night. Facebook is slick. OmniFocus is my new Obama. Google app is weak (brings up a tiny serp) but at least it exists. Pandora would be perfect if faster and also not crashy. You had me at NYTimes. Loopt does what nowhttp://xianlandia.com/te-amo/2008/07/15/apps_ive_downloaded_onto_my_iphone_so_far.html |