Wake Village NewsLocal news for Wake Village, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Lighting Strikes- March 23, 2008 Staff photo by Evan Lewis Lighting Strikes Lightening struck a tree in the 400 block of Linda Loma Street in Wake Village. via Texarkana Gazettehttp://www.topix.net/city/wake-village-tx/2008/03/lighting-strikes?fromrss=1 SRBA renews office lease- March 21, 2008 MOUNT PLEASANT, Texas-The Sulphur River Basin Authority agreed Tuesday to renew a lease arrangement on an office it has in Wake Village. via Texarkana Gazettehttp://www.topix.net/city/wake-village-tx/2008/03/srba-renews-office-lease?fromrss=1 Wake Village city council names new administrator- March 12, 2008 "I was glad to be a part of many of the right decisions made for the city while serving on the council" Within one meeting, Mike Burke went from being Wake Village's Place 4 City Council member and mayor pro-tem to the city's new administrator. via Texarkana Gazettehttp://www.topix.net/city/wake-village-tx/2008/03/wake-village-city-council-names-new-admi... |