Badin NewsLocal news for Badin, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Star Jones files for divorce- April 23, 2008 Breaking News: Star Jones files for divorce! 16 min 37 sec ago by justingirl1989 ET has exclusively confirmed that Star Jones has filed for divorce from husband of three-and-a-half years Al Reynolds . via Popsugar.com Centralina Council of Governments- April 21, 2008 "We are pleased that the Centralina Council of Governments has come forward to show its support for this resolution" The board of the Centralina Council of Governments has voted unanimously to support N.C. Gov. via Charlotte Business Journal Ancient Carolinians offers glimpse into state's history- April 19, 2008 Ancient Carolinians offers glimpse into state's history By Rebecca Bailey : The Herald-Sun Apr 19, 2008 Before the grandeur of ancient Greece and Rome, before the Egyptian pyramids and the Great Wall of China ... via HeraldSun.com EDITORIALS: Controlling water- April 3, 2008 "In North Carolina, the value of our water is an ever-increasing commodity" The Yadkin River slices through North Carolina and into South Carolina on a southeast course from its headwaters in the Blue Ridge. Since early in the 20th century it has powered a hydroelectric operation that once provided electricity for the bustling Alcoa aluminum plant at Badin.Now it's the topic of a concerted campaign by Stanly County officials to slow down a federal relicensing process that would give Alcoa... |