Versions of TruthAbout writing, design, publishing, the web, and photography. (May also contain sundry curious and virtual ephemera.)On the Move- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Versions of Truth&8212;the Blog is moving. As part of our renewed emphasis on accessibility and control, Versions of Truth will be blogging from it's home turf, For many months we have been the guest of the Radio Userland folks; it's been a hoot and a real eye opener. Thanks, guys! But, it's time to take a little more control of our environment and to deliver on our commitment to full WAI conformance. We're not there yet, things are still fluid and in transition. In fact,... (Untitled)- (Found June 24, 2008 ) New Architect: Making Mistakes Well. Online or offline, it's impossible to be perfect. But while offline customers can appeal to an actual human being for help, frustrated online customers usually just give up. That's why Web sites must learn to make mistakes well. Tomalak's Realm (Untitled)- (Found June 24, 2008 ) I&8217;ve been cited!. Want to know what&8217;s scary I will tell you what&8217;s scary. It is bloody scary when a squib you once wrote as a low-level introduction to a few useful concepts gets blown all out of proportion into a Major Treatise... Caveat Lector (Untitled)- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Whither the True Text Artisans Dorothea Salo is a bright and articulate advocate for the traditions and particular skills of publication designers, copy editors, indexers and others of the "old tech" publishing disciplines. These are skills that have become submerged under the ooze of semi-education, unrealistic expectation and illiteracy that is the ecological language disaster called Desktop Wordprocessing and Publishing. (Untitled)- (Found June 24, 2008 ) ZForm is a gaming startup whose products can be played by sighted and blind players together. Their first product is a version of Poker. Most intriguing, however, is a prototype of the mayhem monster, Quake, that can be played by blind players. This Boston Globe article provides some background. Robert Frank's Versions of Truth- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Today's Globe and Mail has a review and appreciation of the Robert Frank exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography in Ottawa. Robert Frank is famous in the photography world as a grappler with versions of truth; he has been doing so with intent since before his emigration from Switzerland to the US after WWII. I believe this is the only North American venue for this show. If you are in the Ottawa area this summer, before September 12, plan to spend some time with one of the... A Wired Version of Truth- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Kendra Mayfield has written this piece called, Every Montage Tells a Different Story for Wired Magazine. It's a nice article about artistic and journalistic montage and "the truth", in the digital context. In a larger context, check the site Cut and Paste and, for an excellent humourously polemical application of montage, see the work of Sean Hillen who has published a book and sells a print series called Irelantis.,1294,53348,00.html From Major Thom- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Chris Locke lives virtually on in the blogosphere for virtually ever in this instructive item published last November. He provides the curious with links to "what is this blogging thing, anyway" articles and, more importantly, instructs the nascent blogger and incipient famer wannabe in the roll... the blogroll that is; it's all there, everything, including the attitude to help you take the hits generated by virtual guestness on RageBoy's blogList of Fame. Check it out and catch the gonzo... History: the Eyes in the Back of Our Heads- (Found June 24, 2008 ) This is an excellent article on Vannevar Bush who was, among other things, chief scientific advisor to FDR during World War II. It's instructive to read this summary of his ideas; the article focusses on his thought experiment called the memex. The memex influenced the next generation or so of computer scientists and anticipated by 40 years the advent of the personal computer. His thoughts, for better or worse, were fundamental to the development of our notions of hyper-text and, consequently,.. |