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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for November 2003

The Jeff

The thoughts, concerns and major upheavals of Jeff Berg

Do More With Less - November 22, 2003

I love the new MS slogan (well kinda new), but I know if some other companies tried to push this to their staff it probably would look a lot like this:

Services, Memory & the big head - November 20, 2003

Overhead that is... Well I have working on a small little project in my spare time that needed a Windows Service. So I made one. Wooopideee doo, how easy the .Net Framework makes life. Well after I get it running and all I see that my very small Windows Service is taking up 15 MB of RAM!!!. WHAT No way... So I go ahead and remove all of the references to my code and recompiled. 12MB...well that seems a bit large for nothing. So I did some research, durring this research I found a.
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