Ward NewsLocal news for Ward, SC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Mental Health Controls Fate of Bull Street Plan- May 22, 2008 It is probably safe to say that mental illness is hardly the most pressing issue in the public mind; likewise for those suffering from it and the public and private agencies trying to help them.http://www.topix.net/city/ward-sc/2008/05/mental-health-controls-fate-of-bull-street-plan?... SC jury sides with ex-prison warden in conspiracy lawsuit- May 10, 2008 "Until lawmakers act, homes, savings, other assets and potentially the retirements of state employees are at risk for agency actions and decisions, even when others made those decisions in their official capacity" A former South Carolina associate warden who claimed he was fired when he refused to go along with his bosses' criticism of security after a prison riot was awarded $350,000 by a jury, his attorney said Friday. via Spartanburg Herald-Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/ward-sc/2008/05/sc-jury-sides-with-ex-prison-warden-in-conspirac... The week's most talked about book- May 2, 2008 "DAUFUSKIE ISLAND" PHOTOGRAPHS BY JEANNE MOUTOUSSAMY-ASHE Mother's Day is celebrated in many different ways and on different days around the world. via Myrtle Beach Onlinehttp://www.topix.net/city/ward-sc/2008/05/the-weeks-most-talked-about-book?fromrss=1 |