Tilghman Island NewsLocal news for Tilghman Island, MD continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Lure and lore of lighthouses in Maryland- June 22, 2008 For Marylanders looking for summer adventures on land or water, the lighthouses of the Eastern Shore are appealing daytrip destinations.http://www.topix.net/city/tilghman-island-md/2008/06/lure-and-lore-of-lighthouses-in-maryl... Thousands lose power as storm hits; furniture store wall collapses near Lewes- June 5, 2008 LEWES - About 18,000 electric customers lost power as a powerful storm moved across Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland this afternoon, and the front wall of a furniture store collapsed near Lewes.http://www.topix.net/city/tilghman-island-md/2008/06/thousands-lose-power-as-storm-hits-fu... |