Ulysses NewsLocal news for Ulysses, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Ulysses man accused of '04 rape of teens- January 29, 2008 Ulysses man accused of '04 rape of teens January 29, 2008 Pennsylvania State Police have a arrested a Ulysses man and charged him with the alleged 2004 rapes of two teenage girls. via Star-Gazette.COMhttp://www.topix.net/city/ulysses-pa/2008/01/ulysses-man-accused-of-04-rape-of-teens?fromr... Man admits to sex with disabled, police say- January 12, 2008 "He admitted to having sexual intercourse with (the 22-year-old) at least five times and sex with (the 58-year-old) on at least one occasion" A Ulysses man who was supposed to be providing respite care for two Potter County women with mental disabilities has admitted having sex with them. via Star-Gazette.COMhttp://www.topix.net/city/ulysses-pa/2008/01/man-admits-to-sex-with-disabled-police-say?fr... |