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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for November 2004

Thief's Den

The Chronicles of a Wandering Rogue...

TD Radio: Free The Music - November 11, 2004

This week's playlist comes from the fine folks at Wired Magazine and the Creative Commons. 16 Bands liscenced their work under Creative Common liscences, for the public to do as you will. Me, I choose to put them up for everyone to enjoy. So Enjoy. Oh, and to the RIAA: Do you hear that It is the sound of inevitability. Off to visit the family. Later....

It's Over - November 3, 2004

CNN is reporting Kerry called Pres. Bush to concede. "So you're that son of a bitch we've spent the last four years looking for!" - Words spoken by a Union Sergeant to a messenger bringing news of the Confederate surrender at Appomattox, 1865....

The Last Stand - November 3, 2004

Well, it's all over but the screaming. Bush has 269 Electoral Votes in the bag. Of the four states not yet called, Iowa, New Mexico and Nevada are all trending Bush, with Wisconsin trending Kerry. So the final score looks like 286 EV's for President Bush and 51% of the popular vote, compared to 252 EV's and 48% for Senator Kerry. A smart campaign would have conceded by now. But for reasons known but to them and God, the Dems still think they can win Ohio, even though all the networks have...

Brief Thought On Exit Polling: - November 2, 2004

"Telegraph fully all news, and when there is no news, send rumors." -- Wilbur Storey, editor of the Chicago Sun-Times instructing his journalists during the Civil War...

Another Voting Update - November 2, 2004

This one from my parents, in Clark County, Ohio. (Yes, THAT Clark County. Thankfully, my parents never recieved one of the letters.) Their polling place was in the community room of the local nursing home. They voted at 7:00 AM this morning, being extra careful to punch the right numbers on their cards. Long lines to vote (150-200 people), though less than what I experienced (only a 30 minute wait, and this polling station happens to serve two precincts), and no obvious signs of intimidation or.

By The Way... - November 2, 2004

...if you live in Arlington or the Virginia 8th District, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, vote for Lisa Marie Cheney, or if you can't do that, withold your vote. After taking shady loans, co-sponsoring Rangel's ridiculous bill to bring back the draft, and blaming the Iraq War on "The Jewish Vote," Jim "Get A Brain" Moran deserves to lose his seat just on general principles....

Voting Update... - November 2, 2004

Went to vote this morning at 7:30 AM in Arlington. Didn't get to vote until 9:30 AM. (There were only six electronic voting machines for a line that was at least 300 people deep.) But it was worth the wait. No obvious signs of voter intimidation or fraud that I could see; everyone had their ID's and voter cards ready and waiting, only a handful had to vote on provisional ballots. Aside from the long lines, a pretty good experience. It got so bad they were asking people who had finished with...
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