Washington Park NewsLocal news for Washington Park (Denver, CO) continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Denver parks, haunts get recognition- October 24, 2007 "The people of Denver have known for years of the unique beauty and appeal of Washington Park, and we are excited that now, the rest of the country will know about it" Washington Park and the Denver Skatepark have been named 2008 10BEST BET award winners by 10BEST Inc., a highly used Internet service that provides destination information on more than 450 cities worldwide. via Denver Posthttp://www.topix.net/city/denver-co-washington-park/2007/10/denver-parks-haunts-get-recogn... Denver school board candidates to speak tonight- October 17, 2007 Candidates for the Denver School Board are scheduled to appear in a forum tonight at an elementary school in southeast Denver, near Washington Park. via Rocky Mountain Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/denver-co-washington-park/2007/10/denver-school-board-candidates... |