The Station Agent NewsNews on The Station Agent continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Filing 'Prince Caspian' was a hairy experience for actor Peter Dinklage- May 29, 2008 Jeff Bridges from Iron Man isn't the only actor who lost his locks for the sake of Summer of 2008. Coster, Cohen, Hogan, Siegfried and More Will Join Dinklage in Bard's Uncle V nya- May 27, 2008 Additional casting has been announced for the Bard SummerScape production of Uncle Vanya starring Peter Dinklage. 'The Visitor' is a small film worth finding- May 23, 2008 What a perfect opportunity to see what I consider one of the best movies so far in 2008. "Narnia's" prince of the wisecrack- May 21, 2008 "Prince Caspian" resonates with Lewis' untainted faith "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" is set to conquer thousands of screens throughout the land today. Dinklage does 'Narnia' -- and Chekhov, too- May 19, 2008 Once upon a time, Peter Dinklage would have turned down the role of the Red Dwarf Trumpkin in "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian." Then his bohemian reverie met the reality of living in New York. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian- May 18, 2008 A triumphant return trip to Narnia that for pure imagination and spectacle ought to have your heart racing even more the second time around. 'Narnia' series adds actors Ben Barnes and Peter Dinklage- May 16, 2008 "If I did my job right, people will connect" The first time he saw himself on screen as a prince, Ben Barnes was overwhelmed. via WisInfo Standing tall- May 15, 2008 "Perhaps I should rephrase that and say that I love doing classical theatre if you're in the hands of the right director and working with the right cast." Peter Dinklage may be diminutive in stature, but he knows how to fill the cinema screen with his presence. via Ottawa Citizen Size doesn't matter- May 13, 2008 "Without getting out of the Narnian world, I thought there was a sort of modern element to him, sort of the sardonic wisecracking tone that I have in the movie" "Peter Dinklage feels he owes a chilly yak an apology. The actor, who drew critical kudos for his role as embittered loner Finbar McBride in The Station Agent , spent three hours daily in a makeup chair to play ... via The Toronto Star The Visitor Review- May 8, 2008 The Visitor Review Posted by Chad Webb on 05.08.2008 What would you do if someone had been secretly living in your apartment See this terrific film to find out. via 411mania.com |