Verona Beach NewsLocal news for Verona Beach, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Best day in Army was last one- October 25, 2007 "He was always a very dedicated dad and a dedicated worker" World War II Army veteran Donald Hilliker said he wasn't too surprised when he received his draft notice in late 1942. via Oneida Daily Dispatch Advertisement- October 3, 2007 "Have you had your serving of fruit today" The Madison County Board of Supervisors held a special meeting Friday to vote on whether to pursue a contract with Waste Management Renewable Energy to recover gas from the county landfill, located on Buyea ... via Oneida Daily Dispatch Soldier brings gifts from troops in Iraq- October 1, 2007 "She was so excited that he was there and that she got to be a part of the program" A gift sent to a soldier overseas last spring by students at the Sylvan-Verona Beach Elementary School was reciprocated Friday when U.S. Army Spec. via The Oneida Daily Dispatch |